Intestinal pathologies
- L’impotenza sessuale
- Il calo della libido
- La disfunzione erettile nei pazienti diabetici
- L’eiaculazione precoce
- L’infertilità maschile
- Il diabete mellito e i danni che comporta alla sfera sessuale
- La dismorfofobia peniena
- Il carcinoma del pene
- Il carcinoma della prostata
- Il carcinoma del testicolo
- La cisti scrotale
- La fimosi
- Il varicocele
- La malattia di La Peyronie
- Le infezioni sessualmente trasmesse
- La condilomatosi del pene e dei genitali maschili
your proctologist surgeon of excellence in Dubai
Dr. Luisella Troyer is an italian Vascular Surgeon, specialised in Proctology and Colonproctology, operating in Dubai.
In the modern, well-equipped clinic in Dubai, Dr. Troyer provides specialist medical examinations in Vascular Surgery and Colonproctology, to diagnose and solve proctological problems such as:
- Pathological haemorrhoids;
- Haemorrhoidal thrombus;
- Anal fissures;
- Anal warts;
- Peri-anal abscesses and anal fistulas;
- Chronic constipation;
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
- Faecal incontinence;
- Rectocele;
- Descending perineum syndrome
In the clinic in Dubai, Dr. Troyer also performs minimally invasive treatments, such as the treatment of prolapsed haemorrhoids with the innovative sterilised air-stabilised scleromousse.
For her proctological diagnoses and examinations, Dr. Troyer uses the excellence of diagnostic technology, such as the modern high-definition videoproctoscope for Electronic Endoscopic Videoproctoscopy.
All operators and assistants of Dr. Troyer speak English, Arabic and Italian.
This article was revised and updated by Dr. Luisella Troyer on:
Friday 13 September, 2024
Dr. Luisella Troyer is a Vascular Surgeon, specialising in Vascular Surgery and Proctology.
Since her training as a resident, Dr. Troyer has been interested in the study and treatment of proctological pathologies, especially haemorrhoids and haemorrhoid prolapses.
In the course of his practice as a Surgeon, he has accumulated about 5000 operating theatre hours as a first operator, of which about 120 were Milligan-Morgan haemorrhoidectomies.
He is one of the first Doctors to have studied and experimented with scleromousse therapy for pathological haemorrhoids, which he has judged to be the treatment of choice for the non-traumatic treatment of haemorrhoidal prolapses, with resolution statistics of over 95% and therefore often comparable with surgical access.